Window Art Display (Portland, OR)
Winter Window Stories:
Thank you @prosperportland for supporting small local business, BIPOC Women Owned, Family Owned Businesses, and bringing community back to the streets. Since the pandemic, our city has slowed down, and there isn’t much movement. Portland is full of voices, full of art, and history. I’ve moved to Portland as a young adult, and have seen how vibrant it was, and I would love to see that again. There is a lot going on downtown these days. There’s a little bit of everything for everyone. I was asked to create 6 fun window display around the Portland area. I had so much fun discovering all the small shops and create a mix-media art piece that represent that area. If you haven't been-- it's time to explore why we love Portland, Oregon so much!!!
More Window detail Information below: Winter Window Stories
Art Display w/ Address Video
>>Cully Street (Indigenous Holiday) Mother Earth with Salmon fish]: 4636 NE 42nd Happy Native American Heritage Month! [Went out November] Many of us do not celebrate Thanksgiving, but we celebrate the good harvest, the agriculture, and our community. This display is my interpretation of Mother Earth, who keeps us warm, who feeds us, and who is always giving…
-Setting up (for this window) -Cully Art Display without window -Cully Art Process -Cully Market
>>Lower Hawthorne Street [Travel OR, Camper Van with pets]: 2045 SE Hawthorne Blvd
The next concept is travel to Oregon. How many of you traveled this holidays? Here in the Pacific Northwest, we are very lucky, we have beautiful mountains, lovely camping destinations, and the forest to explore. Plus during this time downtown Portland is filled with holiday cheer! Don’t forget to stop by Hawthorne District to find quirky vintage shops, good food, cozy cafes, and more. Kids & dog friendly. Find many pets & toy store along the way too.
-Hawthrone Window display -Hawthrone Window Process -DIY Cardboard Gingerbread house with @Plaid - Hawthorne Shops
>>Lents [PDX Night Sky, Stars, Raindrops]: 5859 SE 92nd Avenue
Those who know, know.. it rains a lot here in Portland, Oregon. But we have lots of events, and activities that still go on. The fun doesn't stop. There are many things you can do when it rains (in Portland)! Besides walking to view art galleries or window displays, visit delicious cafes & bakeries, watch LIVE performances/music, and all while supporting our community. How do I make rain without water? Here is my interpretation of the Portland Sky.
>>Foster [Portland City Seal, Justice]: 6258 SE Foster
Next window is inspired by Portlandia, the Portland seal, which is based on a female figure. If you travel to Portland you will find how beautiful this place is: from the 12 bridges that cross the Willamette River, the artistic sculptures, with stunning gardens. We also have lots of voice movement here. Change, for a better Portland, a better place for all, #Equality & #Justice. I ended up changing this design because of the door. The building has a vibrant yellow door. I can’t wait to see it filled with amazing stuff to support.
>>Morrison [PDX Ice-Skating Gift]: Morrison Street What a great gift from the City of Portland (and everyone that made this happen). They brought us an ice-skating rink downtown, Dec 16-Jan28. I wish I could show you how amazing this is!!! It’s not just skating—there’s a handful of local vendors with delicious treats, a fire pit with games, the warm and cozy feelings … for sure a #HallmarkMovies moment, #centralparkmoments, #fallinginlove with the city of Portland (ok, too much). This event inspired this window art display. Come stop by downtown Portland and visit the window display I created, do some shopping, support small & local, and find ice-skating down on Morrison (a corner away from the window display).
>>Morrison [Owl Represents, Books, Education]: Morrison Street This Window display has a #HarryPotter vibe and I’m not complaining. The idea was inspired by all the book-shops around Portland. I used newspaper to cover the wings to go with the book theme. The owls represent wisdom, guidance, and even mourning. ‘Write your own story’ this 2024!! Explore the gift of imagination through a book, find happiness, or just inspire young minds.
What's next?!! Get your stickers!
Coming soon... Find a small shop in the area that was listed here to get your FREE Sticker. Share your photos with us! And Follow IG for the announcement.
Thank you for making this happen!!!! Prosper Portland: "We are the economic and urban development agency for the city of Portland. We focus on building an equitable economy by carrying out a comprehensive range of economic development programs that support small business, improve access to workforce training, and create jobs for Portland residents."
Portland Events & Film: "The Portland Events and Film Office showcases Portland’s cultural landscape and celebrates the diversity of our creative talent, businesses, and communities."
Vida en Color: "Creating events, community engagements opportunities, place making and strategies to advance racial justice. Putting communities of color first."
@portlandgov, @prosperportland, @portlandeventsandfilmoffice, @vidaencolor.pdx, @portlandparks, @pbotinfo and all the sponsors/support from: @koin6, @trimet, @travelportland, @traveloregon, @alaskaair, @downtownpdx etc..