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Elf on the Shelf Time

It's that time again! This Mama is working every night to surprise her toddler with Elf On the Shelf. Anyone else doing this tradition?

Yesterday, we introduced Carol the Elf (again), and placed her on the Christmas tree. It's important to re-introduce the elf since it's been a whole year. I recommend you find a place for your Elf. Every morning we go to the Christmas tree (our location for Carol) and see that she has disappeared. So we look for her around the house. We can't wait to see what mischief she's gotten herself into today. Then place her back on the tree and finish the activity she started.

And today, we found Carol the Elf baking cookies without us. It was a great way to transition to bake cookies.

Join Us! And Print-out your calendar. You will also find an activity for the Elf on the Shelf and for your kiddo: Click on the link below:

OH! and if you have ANY ideas for Carol the Elf, leave them in the comment section (below).

Thank you!



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Let's Create Together!

do-it-yourself parties and weddings have taken off in popularity and it's was a chance to show my creativity. If I can make it then I will. Here's a little about me and who I am. Learn about why I design party supplies and more. 

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