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Community Support: Send Seniors Love

Send love to seniors living in Senior Care Communities who are on LOCKED down JUST LIKE YOU to stay safe during COVID-19. We’re asking you and your family to brighten their spirits with YOUR creative artwork!

How to participate in #SendSeniorsLove

1️⃣ Make a card, write a letter, or draw a picture for our seniors.

2️⃣ For MAIL: send your art to your local Marquis Companies facility. Facilities list here: OR Assisted Living Facilities.

3️⃣ For DROP-OFF: each facility has a designated #SendSeniorsLove drop box located outside the facility’s front door. Place your card inside the box, and place artwork in paper bags. BOX is outside to keep our Seniors safe.

4️⃣ Share videos and pictures of your family making their master pieces! Either post on Facebook and instagram tag us with #SendSeniorsLove. See our more of our stuff at @Jazzysdesign

SAFTEY FIRST! Our residents’ safety is constantly top priority. Our facilities will hold each submission for 3 DAYS to ensure safety precautions have been met before distributing to our seniors.


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Let's Create Together!

do-it-yourself parties and weddings have taken off in popularity and it's was a chance to show my creativity. If I can make it then I will. Here's a little about me and who I am. Learn about why I design party supplies and more. 

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