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DIY Animal Toddler Activities:

Felt Lion

Material Needed: Three shades of yellow felt, fabric paint, Xyron Creative Station

1) Printout File in 11x17

2) Use the printout to cut out the felt with scissors (shape by shape) or use your cutter machine to cut the felt.

3) Feed the cutout shapes through the Xyron Creative Station (create sticker)

4) Use the printout shapes to trace with fabric paint to get the layout of the lion.

Circus Theme Signage

Materials: Xyron Glaminator (foil), Xyron Creative Staton (sticker),

any color of your choice for cardstock paper

2) Hand cut or cutter machine.

3) Feed the cutout through the Glaminator

4) Feed the foil cutouts to Creative Station

Cardboard Train

Materials: Three different size boxes, black, strip red, and blue wrapping paper

Add rope in-between the boxes to connect.

Safari Play

Toddler Mask: Use printout to cutout shapes and make your own mask. You can use the file to make "color your own" cardstock mask or you can cut each pieces (cutter machine) on foam sheet to create a 2-D animal mask.

Binoculars: use 2 Toilet-Paper rolls, hot glue together, and use a strip of pattern paper to wrap both rolls together. Add string if desire.

Placemats: Printout file and laminate (Glaminator).

Jeep Ride

Materials: cardboard sheets, cardstock papers, hot glue, 9'' Creative Station (sticker maker)

1) Printout: License plate PDF (personalize), feed to Glaminator with green foil.

2) Cutout cardboard shapes to create the Jeep and hot glue a large box on the back to hold the cardboard sheets. Three large cutouts (rectangle for front window, semi-circle for the hood of the Jeep, small rectangle for front) hot glued together then added details.

3) I also cutout yellow & gray squares, and black rectangles out of cardstock paper then fed it through the Creative Station to stick on the Jeep.

Shark Cutout

Materials: Cardboard sheets and boxes, blue paint, and scissors.

Cutout the shark shape (I drew it out with a pencil then hand cut).

Make circles & cut those out too so the kiddo can place the balls inside.

Paint blue or gray.


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do-it-yourself parties and weddings have taken off in popularity and it's was a chance to show my creativity. If I can make it then I will. Here's a little about me and who I am. Learn about why I design party supplies and more. 

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