DIY Mail Box with Xyron
DIY Cardboard Mailbox Materials: Cardboard Box Box-cutter Knife Xyron Glaminator (Laminator) Xyron Creative Station 9’’ Velcro Hot Glue...

Catch a Leprechaun
Don't forget to check-out KATU Afternoon Live segment with Nicole from Party To Go Go. I don’t know how she does it but she always does...

Valentines DIY Craft Tips
Happy Valentine's Day! Don't forget to check-out KATU Afternoon Live segment on Valentine's Day DIY Craft with Nicole from @partytogogo....

DIY Super Bowl Football Scoreboard
Make Super Bowl Sunday Scoreboard Materials: Cardstock Paper Clipart Football Helmet File Clipart Football Player File Use Xyron Creative...

DIY Animal Toddler Activities:
Felt Lion Material Needed: Three shades of yellow felt, fabric paint, Xyron Creative Station 1) Printout File in 11x17 2) Use the...

Oh! Two Wild Birthday Party
My little one turned two couple days ago so we had a toddler party celebration. Initially, only seven people RSPV, so we decided to have...

(Football) Game Day!
Are you watching the game? Are you or your partner a sport fan? We decided to host a pre-game at our house. So why not turn an every day...

Teacher Gift Guide
Here's what I have gather throughout the years: 1. Gift card to Amazon, Bookstore, Grocery Store, etc 2. Personalized mug, tote,...